payout api


Send Instant Payouts to your vendors via money transfer API using Rainet Technology API Service-

A Payout is the transfer of funds from your business account to a contact’s fund account.

The Payouts API is a fast, convenient way to send commissions, rebates, rewards, and general disbursements. You can send up to 15,000 payments per call. If you integrated the Payouts API before September 1, 2017, you receive transaction reports through Mass Payments Reporting.Rainet technology(ClicknCash) is one of the best Payout API provider in noida.

A Payout object is created when you receive funds from Stripe, or when you initiate a payout to either a bank account or debit card of a connected Stripe account. You can retrieve individual payouts, as well as list all payouts. Payouts are made on varying schedules, depending on your country and industry.

Overview of Payouts API –

To send a payout, a user needs following details:

  • A payout API business account
  • Each recipient’s email address, a domestic mobile number, or payer ID (an encrypted payout account number)
  • Payment amount (per recipient)
  • Currency code (one currency per payout)
  • Note to recipient (required for Venmo accounts, optional for PayPal accounts)

Recipients can receive their funds with a payout business account. If they don’t have a any payout  account, it’s easy to open one.

You need a any payout business account set up according to the prerequisites to use payouts.

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Flow of Payouts API-

Retailer The Payouts flow begins when you initiate a payout request.

Retailer The Payouts API validates your request and processes the payout.

Retailer Payouts sends you a status report.

Retailer Payouts notifies the recipient that a payment is available. The recipient logs in to their payout business account, or creates a payout  account, to claim their money.

How to Send payouts ?

One can send payouts to:

  • Payout recipients — Use the recipient’s email address, domestic mobile number, or payer ID (an encrypted PayPal account number).
  • Venmo recipients — Use the recipient’s domestic (US only) mobile number.

Use an email or mobile number –

This method is the simplest to integrate. It works with user’s Payout account, but doesn’t guarantee payment, reconciliation, or settlement.

To send the payout, use each recipient’s email address or domestic mobile number. Payouts to Venmo require the recipient’s mobile number. payout sends the money to their Payout account wallet.

Recipients who don’t have a payout account can open an account and claim the money. Unclaimed funds are returned to you after 30 days.

Use a payer ID –

This method guarantees payments, reconciliation, and settlement, but works with payout accounts  only.

To send the payout, use each recipient’s payer ID. If you don’t already have a recipient’s payer ID, the recipient can follow a payout account flow to verify their account. When they complete the flow, any payout sends you their payer ID. Use Assisted Account Creation to access their Payer ID.

Barring compliance or fraud issues, this method guarantees payouts, so you don’t have to deal with returned payments.

Integration methods of payout API –

Any payout service offers three ways to integrate payouts to ensure you get the right solution for your business.

SFTP server –

If you are sending large payments, any payout  service recommends using the secure FTP server to send the payout details. Payout server processes the payouts in batches.

Payouts API –

Send payouts programmatically from within your app.

Payouts Web –

Upload a CSV file with your payment details to Payouts Web. No integration is needed.

Rainet Technology Payout API features –

Our Payouts is global, secure, flexible, and easy for recipients. Payouts includes these features:

web development companyDetailed records — Your complete payout history is available online, and you’ll receive a notification when your payments are sent. You can download transaction details into your accounting tools.

web development companyCurrency conversion — Send payments in another currency even if you don’t maintain a balance in that currency.

web development companyEasy for recipients — Receiving a payout is as easy as opening an email or mobile notification.

web development companyFlexible integration —Upload a file to Payouts Web or SFTP server, or integrate deeper with the Payouts API.

web development companyGlobal reach — Payouts works in over 180 countries and complies with KYC regulations.

web development companyReduced risk — our payout’s  risk and compliance controls help protect you from fraud.

web development companyUse customers’ preferred digital wallets — Send payments to payout business accounts or any other payout provider’s account.

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